Social Care Wales


Social Care Wales is a regulatory body responsible for standards for social care in Wales. Their focus is on improving service user lives through developing the workforce, sharing good practice and improving services.


Practice Solutions has a strong working relationship with Social Care Wales, working on a range of projects including: a review into the combined models of care; a benchmarking report on the terms and conditions of engagement for panel members; engagement events to promote apprenticeship opportunities; and a workforce health and wellbeing framework (see below).

Case Study – Health and Wellbeing Framework


In 2021, Practice Solutions was commissioned by Social Care Wales to develop a workforce health and wellbeing framework. The two aspects of the project were: a staff governance framework across social care, setting clear and measurable standards to help drive improvement; and scope and pilot an approach to workforce engagement.


An extensive part of this project involved the facilitation of 24 x 2-hour digital facilitation sessions with key stakeholders and individual staff from across social care and partner organisations. This feedback, along with a rapid review of available literature, was developed into a model for the health and wellbeing framework.


Following a second engagement programme on the drafted model, a final report presented the the model as the core of the health and wellbeing framework, and set out proposals for a work programme to implement.


You can find out more about these services in our Research and Policy Support, Project Management and Organisational Engagment sections.

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