Qualifications Wales


Qualifications Wales is the independent regulator of non-degree qualifications in Wales. They ensure that qualifications are fair, trusted and a valued record of knowledge, skills and understanding.


Practice Solutions has provided engagement services to Qualifications Wales to guarantee stakeholders have a say in how qualifications are shaped and delivered in Wales. These have included the facilitation of the Qualified for the Future project, and an engagement campaign for the Learner Voice (see below).



Case Study – The Learner Voice


The Welsh Government has announced GCSEs will be reviewed and updated. Qualifications Wales wanted to ensure that any changes were thoroughly tested and approved by learners, teachers, parents, carers and employers.


Practice Solutions was commissioned to engage with relevant stakeholders to obtain the ‘Learner Voice’ – the perspectives and ideas of learners to develop qualifications better suited to their needs.


To achieve this, Practice Solutions delivered a comprehensive communications and engagement campaign. This included regional events, focus groups, surveys, comms materials and a social media campaign.


You can find out more about these services in our Community and Citizen Engagement and Marketing and Communications sections.

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